What Really Happened in Rihanna and Chris Brown’s Recent Instagram Exchange?

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The ongoing saga between R&B singer Chris Brown and his former flames is becoming tiresome for fans and the media. Brown has been bouncing back and forth between his current ex-girlfriend Karrueche and former flame Rihanna, creating a rollercoaster ride for the past two years. However, rumors suggest that their story may be coming to an end. It’s been reported that Rihanna is currently dating someone called “IGG,” meaning “initial gra-gra” in Warri slang. When Brown begged her to come back, she told him she wanted nothing to do with him anymore, which seems to have ended their relationship for good. Despite Brown bombarding her with text messages and phone calls, Rihanna stood her ground and focused on herself and her career. While Rihanna will always have love for Brown, she believes she’s more mature than him and that they can’t be together. It remains to be seen what the future holds for these three stars, but it seems like the pendulum may finally be coming to a halt.

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